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Yearly Archives: 2009

Cyber – Coming Clarity or Compounding Confusion?

When President Obama tapped Melissa Hathaway to lead the new Administration’s 60-day review of nation’s cyber architecture and to present him with a plan for dealing with the most complex and interdependent of critical infrastructures, he made a good...


The Search is Over – It’s Fugate for FEMA

Ever since President Obama was elected and started to name individuals for his Cabinet, a number of names have been in circulation as potential nominees for FEMA Administrator. These lists have included people like . Ellis Stanley,...


White House taps experienced emergency manager to lead FEMA

President Barack Obama on Wednesday said he would nominate Craig Fugate, an experienced first responder who now leads Florida's division of emergency management, to lead the Federal Emergency Management Agency.A career firefighter in a state known for natural disasters,...


More reviews: Merging the Homeland Security and National Security Councils

As part of a 60-day review underway on whether the Homeland Security Council should be merged into the National Security Council, the Obama White House has invited outside national security experts for periodic consultations on the matter.Randy Beardsworth, a...


“It’s Voluntary but…”

When the 9/11 Commission issued its Final Report and recommendations in July 2004, much of the attention focused on the findings showing a need to reform the nation’s intelligence mechanisms and the assessment of our national “failure of imagination.”...


A Powerful Message – A 21% Increase to DHS Cyber

If you ever want to know what’s a priority in Washington the old adage, “follow the money” will tell you very quickly. That little phrase holds true again especially when it comes to cyber security and DHS.Yesterday, the...


Dent’s Mule Skinners & TWIC Cards Get National Attention

In yesterday’s House Homeland Security Committee Hearing with DHS Sec. Napolitano, US Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA) questioned the Secretary about TSA requirements for Transportation Workers Identification Credentials (TWIC) cards for workers that serve as mule drivers (aka “mule skinners”)...


God Bless Secretary Napolitano

This morning DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano made her first appearance before the House Homeland Security Committee. As one would expect, Chairman Bennie Thompson set a cordial tone in his opening statement and the rest of the committee members, including...


I was RIGHT at the time but…; The updated, Official and DEFINITIVE List of DHS Stimulus ‘gifts’

There is always a danger when you post something to the web. Sometimes you can say something profound or say something really stupid.Sometimes you give facts only to have those same facts change on you and then find...


Bioviolence and Aviation SecurityBioviolence and Aviation Security

I spent last weekend reading Bioviolence: Preventing Biological Terror and Crime, Barry Kellman, Cambridge, 2007 (reviewed last year by Foreign Affairs). I am impressed with the deep analysis and research that Professor Kellman has put into this issue....



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