Catalyst Partners

Author Archive: Gary S. Becker

Public-Private Partnerships can Enhance Profitability, Security

Having good customer service improves the profitability of merchants at the airports, and from a law enforcement perspective, a calm airport environment allows CBP and other law enforcement officers to identify potential threats. Here's how.


Move to Reduce Border Wait Times Is Step Forward for Trade

U.S. border agents have begun inspecting U.S.-bound trucks in Mexico. This is part of a new enforcement program intended to reduce congestion and speed cargo across one of the nation’s busiest border crossings. The delays are a problem that...


Privatizing Screening at U.S. Airports Should be Based on Metrics, Including Customer Service

The Screening Partnership Program, managed TSA, relies on private sector employees for airport screening. Millions of passengers are screened by this program each year. I have wondered over the years why more airports, especially the large ones, are not...


Choke Points at Screening Areas Present Security Risk

Many of us have had the unfortunate experience of standing in a long line, waiting to pass through security screening. These choke points in screening processes create exceptionally soft targets for the motivated bad actor, and they are a...


Collaboration at US Airports Could Yield Better Security, Commerce

Newly released data from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) shows that for calendar year 2014, the agency received more than 30,400 complaints and 2,700 compliments. This reveals an opportunity for the private sector to work closely with TSA.


CBP’s Global Entry – An Easy Win for Homeland Security

Much ink has been spilled over the balance between security and personal privacy. When it comes to immigration, I began thinking about where our national security apparatus could do a better job of things. Growing the CBP's Global Entry...


Improving Customer Service, Security at Customs and Border

Jobs through additional customer spending can be created at our nation’s airports through improved Customs and Border Protection (CBP) customer service if CBP and the private sector work better together on this issue. Moreover, it will improve security.


FOIA Request Delivers New CBP Data on Customer Complaints, Compliments

Newly released data from Customs and Border Protection shows that for calendar year 2014, the agency received more than 7,200 complaints and compliments, more than 30% of which were related to employee conduct.


DHS Proposes Rule on FOIA – Comment Period Open

DHS recently proposed a rule on Freedom of Information Act regulations and concluded that "this rule does not impose additional costs on the public or the government.” I take exception to the fact that DHS has not been able...


Problems Continue with FOIA Backlog at DHS

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a law that gives individuals the right to access information from the federal government; however, some agencies are doing a better job at responding to requests than others. I am currently part...



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