Catalyst Partners


Tweeting, Trolling and Terrorism

A new George Washington University report on ISIS' use of social media reveals disturbing trends that demand public and private sector collaboration. Will Congress show any leadership?


CBP’s Global Entry – An Easy Win for Homeland Security

Much ink has been spilled over the balance between security and personal privacy. When it comes to immigration, I began thinking about where our national security apparatus could do a better job of things. Growing the CBP's Global Entry...


TSA Names Rod Allison as Acting Deputy Administrator

On the day before Thanksgiving, in the midst of one of the busiest travel days of the year, TSA Administrator Pete Neffenger announced to TSA employees that Roderick Allison had been named the Acting Deputy Administrator.


Early Thoughts on the Paris Terrorists’ Attacks

There are still many questions that remain to be answered about the Paris terrorist attacks, but so long as there is an internal struggle within Islam and countries where Islamists are fighting each other, we have to expect more...


As Drone Use Grows, Reps Eye Threat from Bioterrorism

The recent House Homeland Security Committee's hearing on the threat from bioterrorism raised the troubling threat that drones could be used to deliver deadly pathogens. Do we have the tools to detect biological agents and the drones that might...


Biodefense Blue Ribbon Panel Report Sends Strong Messages – Is Anyone Listening?

The Blue Ribbon Study Panel on Biodefense recently released its report following a year-long study of how America can and should address biological threats. It deserves serious attention by policy makers, health practitioners and political pundits. Why? Because the...


Improving Customer Service, Security at Customs and Border

Jobs through additional customer spending can be created at our nation’s airports through improved Customs and Border Protection (CBP) customer service if CBP and the private sector work better together on this issue. Moreover, it will improve security.


Hacking the Cybersecurity Labor Force

National Cyber Security Awareness month has been jam-packed with conferences and panels on strengthening America's cyber readiness. Perhaps the biggest challenge we face is cultivating a qualified cybersecurity workforce.


FOIA Request Delivers New CBP Data on Customer Complaints, Compliments

Newly released data from Customs and Border Protection shows that for calendar year 2014, the agency received more than 7,200 complaints and compliments, more than 30% of which were related to employee conduct.


DHS Finalizes Strategy on Countering Violent Extremism

At last week’s meeting of the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism And Responses to Terrorism, DHS Science and Technology Directorate Undersecretary Reginald Brothers announced the completion of a department-wide Countering Violent Extremism strategy.



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