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Author Archive: Richard Cooper

The Space Community’s “E Pluribus Unum” Moment

Space should be viewed as an infrastructure. From military and intelligence needs, to civilian and commercial services, to technology creation and economic development, space has a role in it. The problem is the United States has let its space...


After DC Metro Fire, Questions About Interoperability

The recent fire in the Washington, DC, subway system that killed one passenger and injured more than 80 others reveals ominous signs for the Nation’s Capitol. Most concerning are reports that the Fire & Rescue Services radios did not...


A Suspect Decision and a Poor Choice – The Ebola Czar

Obama Administration’s fumbled response to the Ebola threat has both political parties giving the President’s team a resounding thumbs down. To calm an anxious public, the President decided to tap a veteran Washington political insider, Ron Klain, to coordinate...


After White House Breach, Public Pushes Back on the ‘Security Nation’

The recent security breach at the White House has a lot of Washington and the nation talking. Most of the White House security is understandable and defendable, but in looking at the most recent security incident and rumors of...


Not What We Need – DHS in Disrepair

A new Washington Post story details lingering problems at DHS in terms of retaining leadership and talent in some of its most critical positions. If you talk to anyone at the Department today, they’ll tell you firsthand how bad...


Recalling the Unforgetable and Adapting Every Day After

It’s hard to believe it’s been 13 years since the September 11 attacks. Every generation witnesses horrors but in recording those experiences and sharing them with others we impart the painful lessons learned to lead us to ways to...


The ISIS Fight – Do We Have Your Attention Yet?

There are no words to describe the horror of the video showing the execution of American journalist James Foley at the hands of ISIS. Today, radicalization is spreading, and religious, civic, and cultural leaders on every continent have a...


Deals with the Devil – The Release of Sgt. Bergdahl

The release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the last American POW in Afghanistan, ends a more than dozen-year American conflict in Afghanistan. The five senior Taliban leaders exchanged for Sgt. Bergdahl, however, will continue to set off debates on the...


Lessons in How to Communicate on a ‘Bad Day’

One of the challenges when a tragic event occurs is communicating to the public about it. What do seasoned professionals cite as most important in responding to devastating incidents? I reached out to two friends and former colleagues to...


Who is Jeh Johnson?

The White House leaked word yesterday that the President has selected Jeh Johnson, the former General Counsel at the Pentagon in the first term of the Obama Administration, to replace Janet Napolitano as DHS Secretary. It left a lot...



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