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Author Archive: Richard Cooper

Pistole blinked and other Musings about Protecting your Junk

He blinked. There’s no other way to state it. After what can only be described as an endless barrage of horror stories, TSA Administrator John Pistole has blinked when it comes to the less-than-comfortable pat-downs that the air-traveling public...


Thad Allen – My Interview and Nomination

Several weeks back, I had the good fortune to interview retired U.S. Coast Guard Commandant Thad Allen for Faircount Media Group. In our discussion, he reflected on the lessons learned from this year’s Gulf oil spill, as well as...


Tony Hayward Speaks – We Need to Listen

There are people in life that most folks would like to go away. For me, people like Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton and their respective train wreck families come to mind. For people on the Gulf Coast, former...


King Speaks on Homeland Committee’s Future

The incoming and presumptive Chairman for the U.S. House of Representative’s Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Peter King (R-NY), has outlined his thoughts on the future actions of the committee. In an editorial in today’s New York Post, “Getting Homeland...


A Post Election Wish – Hopes for the New Congress

In the days after any election, there is what you can call the CSI forensics analysis. Analysts of every stripe go around and pick up the pieces of what’s left of the election’s victorious and vanquished and tell you...


A Gentle and Life-Saving Legacy – John Solomon

Last night, before turning off the lights to go to sleep, I got news that no one likes to receive. My friend and fellow homeland security blogger John Solomon passed away following complications from a stem cell transplant for...


Rising Threats to Life in the Beltway

If you’ve lived any length of time inside the Washington Beltway, you’ve come to expect certain things: awful commutes to/from work; an area that always overhypes and over-reacts to miniscule amounts of snow; road construction that never ends; and...


Women in Homeland Security

Several months back, I had the opportunity to contribute two articles for a publication that Faircount Media was doing to commemorate the centennial of the first woman police officer in the United States. The publication recently came out, and...


Gulf Coast Restitution – The Post's Story on BP Spill Payments

Somewhere someone said, “Money complicates things.” That’s the phrase that came to mind after reading the front page story of the Washington Post: “Six months after the spill, BP's money is changing the gulf as much as its oil.”...


An Addendum to FEMA Private Sector Post – I forgot someone…

Whenever you write a post like the one I posted yesterday on Security Debrief, heralding the dramatic improvements that FEMA has made in its engagement of the private sector, there is always the risk of forgetting or not mentioning...



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